Make The Veggie Straws Your New Eco-Trend

Greener solutions give us a chance to innovate and think up creative product alternatives that may actually help fight climate change and foster healthy lifestyles. Growing concerns about the widespread use of plastic led many to buy paper straws, which were both cheaper and biodegradable, but their quality was doubtful (they get soggy, lose their form, taste funny); however, the recent “paperless” movement called for smarter trends combining sustainable materials, affordability, and sturdy quality.
With our nifty Veggie Straws you no longer have to sacrifice quality for price. Starting at USD $7.50, you can purchase 100 unwrapped vegetable fiber straws. They don’t get soggy, can be used in cold and hot drinks, and most importantly, don’t’ fall apart on you, which is why they are your best alternative to plastic and paper straws by far. Also, with our vegetable fiber straws you will be engaging in environmentally friendly behavior.
Paper straws may seem to have many advantages, for example you can do-it-yourself and they are biodegradable; however, paper generates significant irreversible damaging environmental effects. For starters it takes between 2 to 6 weeks to decompose, which is why paper represents nearly 26% of global waste in landfills.
In practical terms, you can probably make between 4 to 6 straws with one piece of paper, and if you consider that around 24 trees must be cut down to make 200,000 sheets, the global paper straw market will just further worsen deforestation. According to National Geographic, in the US, 500 million straws are used daily. This evidence-based data is the reason why you should ditch paper and switch to our environmentally friendly straws.
Made from vegetable fiber, our straws are 100% biodegradable, but in contrast to paper straws, they do not contribute to deforestation, waste nor air and water pollution. We not only want to raise awareness, but also invite you to take an active role in driving the present greener revolution, starting with your individual choices. Make the Veggie Straws your new eco-trend.
To be a social agent of change in today’s world requires making informed decisions based on evidence and then, making the smart choice. Plastic and paper are no longer the smart choices; however, you don’t have to take our word for it. We would like to encourage you to conduct your own research and try different products. We are confident that once you try our Veggie Straw you will be in awe. It only takes 1 person to share or spread a novel good idea.